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Craig’s ALERT Cadet Story

What Alert Cadet Has Meant to Me Our journey with Alert Cadet began 8 years ago when my wife and I attended a homeschoolconference in Massachusetts. Who was there? Lt. Col. Doug Dagarin representing Alert Cadet.I was drawn to the concept of a “toolbox” that I could...

Sarah’s ALERT Cadet Story — Chapter Two

Shortly after attending his first Leadership Training Corps camp, my son bought analarm/megaphone.  I supposed he didn’t get enough of it while at camp.  He began using it to callhis brothers to a scenario. At all hours of the day the alarm would sound. The brothers...

Sarah’s ALERT Cadet Story

ALERT Cadet has been a blessing in our family’s life.  Watching our sons mature, lead, study theBible, and serve others is worth all the effort we as parents have put in.  One day, I looked at the boys’ messy school boxes and lockers and commented, “Wow, I thought...

Montiel’s ALERT Cadet Story

Twenty-three years ago I saw something that will forever be etched into my memory. I didnot see a famous painting or a famous person. Nor did I see an amazing sunset or an amazingnatural landmark. What I saw was a face, the face of an eight-year-old boy. We were in...

Louisa’s ALERT Cadet Story

Alert Cadet has been an important part of our family for many years!  It has been wonderfulto see our eight sons and my husband grow together and be challenged.  Whether it is learningnew ways to make their uniform crisper, serving in our church or community, marching...

Darrell’s ALERT Cadet Story

Alert Cadet has been a wonderful tool for my eight sons and me to forge relationships withone another.  My wife and I have watched them grow in the program by attending Father andSon Camps with other families for fellowship and service projects, as well as by...