Alert Cadet has been an important part of our family for many years! It has been wonderful
to see our eight sons and my husband grow together and be challenged. Whether it is learning
new ways to make their uniform crisper, serving in our church or community, marching in a
parade or attending one of the amazing leadership or father son camps, I see growth in each of
them. Their base knowledge which has been acquired in survival, first aid or leadership has
helped them have confidence in their work, school and community to be world changers.
Our sons have grabbed hold of their own faith as they have been challenged to strive for goals
that have been set before them. It has been an exciting journey to watch them grow in this
program! Their relationships with each other and other dads and sons have been priceless!
Faith, adventures, leadership skills and challenges have developed our sons into Men of God!
I will be forever thankful for their time spent in Cadet!
Submitted by Louisa Lowman