What Alert Cadet Has Meant to Me
Our journey with Alert Cadet began 8 years ago when my wife and I attended a homeschool
conference in Massachusetts. Who was there? Lt. Col. Doug Dagarin representing Alert Cadet.
I was drawn to the concept of a “toolbox” that I could use to develop my son spiritually and
would also allow us to grow together in Christ around fun and challenging curriculum.
The uniforms, training, manuals, and camps have been a joy. My son James was so excited
and proud to work on his uniform and earn his first ribbons. Learning practical skills, working
on character exercises, and getting a taste for physical fitness together has been so rewarding.
The constant focus on Jesus and His plans for our lives has given me a tool to keep a relationship
with Jesus front and center for both of us.
There are other toolboxes out there for sure, but nothing quite like Alert Cadet. The
requirement of a father (or dedicated father figure) to participate is a brilliant way to connect
fathers and sons. With so many distractions in life, and the tendency of our culture to pull
families apart, Alert Cadet shines as a light in the darkness.
The annual Father/Son Camps are always edifying, creating “markers” and memories for my
son in his development. A recent move to Austin, Texas, has created an opportunity for our
family to reevaluate Alert Cadet. Pastoring at a large church has afforded me the opportunity to
see different models of family discipleship. Both James (age 14) and I are excited to lean-in
afresh to Alert Cadet. We are working through the discipleship manuals, and we are looking
forward to LTC Camp in October in Big Sandy, TX.
As James has entered his teen years, it is invaluable to have something that we can both do
together with Christ at the center. We have shared experience with Alert Cadet and the Holy
Spirit has knitted our hearts together. My 7-year-old, Joel, is thrilled to begin his journey now
with us, as we will complete his Basic Training Manual and Advance him into Alert Cadet on his
birthday in November.
I consider Alert Cadet a gift from God, that as we invest in it, allows my heart to be turned
toward my sons and allows my sons’ hearts to be turned toward mine with Christ at the center for
us all (Malachi 4:6). What does that mean to me? Everything.
Reverend Craig Paczkowski
Lakeway Church Discipleship Pastor
Lakeway, Texas