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Collaboration in the Handbooks

This letter is an effort to provide encouragement for using the Handbooks as part ofyour discipleship in the home. What follows are several suggestions that could maketime spent in the Handbooks more practical. Maybe you have already thought aboutthese and have some...

Making the Handbooks Work for Your Family

Each ALERT Cadet father would do well to work with his son on projects, assign to himsections of the Phase booklet within the Handbook to be completed, and then check forcompletion. While a dad is not required to complete the Handbooks himself, making time to doany...

Awards for Camp Cadre

When an ALERT Cadet Officer or Sergeant serves in the cadre of a camp, he is to be issuedthe award for that camp. If it is an LTC camp that also meets the requirements for CrisisResponse Training or Emergency Survival Training, he is eligible for that award if he...