Big Sandy, Texas, November 11-14, 2021
Thirty-four fathers and sons came together to spend time serving side by side at the International ALERT Academy (IAA). Arriving Thursday, we assembled in formation and had an Advancement Ceremony promoting David Johns to C2Lt and 6 cadets to LTC. Afterwards we attended the Veterans and First Responders Banquet where Pastor David Schlagel, a retired US Navy submarine commander, gave the address followed by musical performances by IAA and IBLP personnel and families.
Friday morning, Pastor Schlagel spoke to the ALERT Battalion and the ALERT Cadet Company challenging us with 3 questions:
- Which voices are you listening to?
- What are you going to live for?
- When will you start?
This along with the previous night’s message and a sheet of questions provided to each father enabled focused discussions between fathers and their sons on how to apply and live out the truths heard.
On Friday and Saturday, a total of 9 hours of service was provided to IAA broken into 3 separate times during which more shoulder-to-shoulder discussions and values transfer occurred. The service work completed included the following.
- Assembling over 7200 pamphlets of John and Romans in various languages
- Cleaning brush and weeds from sludge ponds
- Clearing weeds and trimming around water treatment area
- Cleaning brush and weeds from farm pond bank
- Clearing brush, vines and small stumps from lake front along road to lake dam
- Clearing small trees and brush from east side of lake dam
- Setting fence posts at the barn
- Raking pine needles from Pine Lodge courtyard
- Removal of logs from a pine tree that had been cut down
- Moving 300 feet of 4” irrigation pipe
- Repairing picnic tables
Saturday morning the fathers and cadets joined with the ALERT men on a short jody run followed by a morning wisdom search led by CCapt. Terry Williams on the aspects of being a godly man. On Saturday evening, Capt. Rick Warner shared around the campfire on living for Christ and punctuated his talk with an archery demonstration that gave a visual of the importance of the heart being devoted to Christ. Sunday morning’s bible study was led by CMaj. Michael Smith in Luke 17:1-10 revealing that a godly man manifests forgiveness, faith and humility.
A final inspection was held Sunday morning offering opportunity to encourage and praise each father and son for their commitment to their mutual relationship and their devotion to the LORD.
Strong to Overcome,
Michael Smith
Maj. ALERT Cadet